The NF-Jet2 module serves to simulate flame on the output of the jet engine unsing red and yellow ulttra bright LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) 3 or 5 mm. The input of te module has to be connected in paralell with the engine controller. The intensity of the flame follows the power of engine. First color starts to light in the beginning of "gas" range. The second color starts on the middle fo the range. To increase the reality of the flame the light intensity chages in pseudo-rabndom period. The frequence of changes speeds up when increasing the engine power.
The module has two sets of outputs and can power lights for one or two engines. The outputs can be also connected in parallel (Red1 to Red2 and Yellow1 to Yellow2) to power one engine with doubled light intensity.
The module is connected to receiver by Graupner, Hitec type connector. There is an "Y" cable diverging build in the module to simplify connection of two engine controllers. Connector are under the light ring connector. The module can also be connected as an uncontrolled unit when disconnecting the cable to a receiver. In this case the light intensity is 100% (full gas).
The module has two outputs for light rings. Each output drives two colors. Usually the first color is red and the second one is yellow. The wires use the same colors system. The brown wire in the middle is ground. This is a common negative pole of LEDs (cathodes) for both colors. The total current of one color ranges from 0 to 40 mA depending up the input signal and up the number of LEDs.